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Some people think it doesn't really matter where they buy their insurance. This misconception could be costing them money, service and protection. Buying insurance isn't like buying bread or milk. Insurance is an important safety net for your family, your home, your car or your business. Don't treat the purchase lightly!

There is a difference in where you buy your protection. Many people don't realize there are three sources of insurance.

  • 1. Captive Agents, who can sell you the insurance of only one company.
    2. Telephone Representatives, who can offer you the insurance of one company, and only on the telephone.
    3. Independent Insurance Agents, who represent an average of eight insurance companies, and research with these firms to find you the best combination of price, coverage and service.
Bradford-Irwin Insurance Agency offers the following insurance services:

  • Automobile
  • Business
  • Boat/Watercraft
  • Homeowners
  • Life
  • Commercial Auto
  • Liability
  • Self-Storage
  • Health

Contact Us Today!

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